Sunday, October 6, 2013

What's in here?

Hi, my name's Jonathan I am a student at Memorial High School and I take a class called Auto Tech. We are not located in a regular classroom with desk and a blackboard. We are in a actual garage with tools and cars and its pretty much unorganized. So me and my classmate were told to do a project in which we would each have one problem and two solutions (one solution per person). We looked around and found this

Hello there my name is George! As you can see this is yellow cabinet in which you can store flammable materials. To start a fire you need three things oxygen, fuel, and heat. This cabinet work by reducing the amount of oxygen the materials are exposed to. When closed it forms a type of seal that traps the oxygen inside, but it doesn't form a perfect seal and oxygen can still get in and out. The problem we encountered was that nobody knew what it was or what was inside it. We decided to open it and found a mess!

YIKESS! My solution was to organize everything by what its purpose is. 
So this is exactly what our process was
We organized them by "CLEANERS", "OILS AND LUBE",and " PAINTS",
The bottom we decided to leave to gas because we didn't want to touch it and cause a terrible accident.
This took about two days to do because we had trouble putting them in place. I also decided to put a chemical cabinet sign on the outside the door.
Well that was my solution. Now for my partners solution.

Finally we were done! hahaha WRONG!!!!! We told Mr. G (our teacher) to come over and see our progress. He said "Nice! Awesome! but I have done this many times and it still comes out unorganized." So that got me thinking we need labels! I looked around the garage looking for masking tape. After a day of looking I found it. I grabbed a marker and labeled them. The following picture is a model of what I did. 

I wanted to tested it out, I told a fellow classmate to help me.
I told them pass me a WD-40,
they immediately went to the oils & lube section and handed it to me. So this is has been job well done.
Just incase I added this to the side

I really hope this cabinet will stay organized in the years to come. This took a while but I learned a couple things on the way. Labels always work and I now know how to publish a blog.

This is Jonathan and George signing out. 

UPDATE! 10/8/13
I came into class today to show our teacher our final draft. He told me "your not done, someone left the door open to the chemical cabinet the other day". I gave him a strange look because it's ridiculous that someone would leave a chemical cabinet open. So back to the drawing board! Me and my classmate came up with an idea to make a small paragraph explaining why it's important to keep the door closed along with a sign to say Please close afterwards.  

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